What is a domain?

A domain is essentially the name of a website. Read this article to learn more about what a domain is and how you can get one.

In simple terms, a domain (or domain name) is the name of a website. For example, symetricproductions is our domain because that is the name in our web address (after www.). 

Setting up a domain is one of the first steps to establishing your online presence and website. 

To secure a domain, it must be purchased from a domain host/registrar. Anyone can purchase a domain by finding one that is not owned by anyone else. To own and register a domain, there is an annual fee.

The process of securing a domain can be simple, especially if you know what to expect:

  1. Start the process by gathering a list of possible domains you'd like to register. Try to think of a few different variations of your business name, and make sure they are easy for users to remember! 
  2. Go to a domain host/registrar to find out which domains are available. Note: If a domain you want is not available, you may be able to find out who owns it and potentially purchase it from them.
  3. Decide how many domain variations you want to register. It is good to have a couple variations such as a shorter version or a '.ca' instead of '.com'.
  4. Purchase and register the domain(s) you want. TIP: sign up for auto-renewal or expiry protection to avoid losing your domain(s).