Wearable Tech - The Future of Accessorizing

The future is here! Wearable technology is starting to drastically effect our everyday lives in positive ways. From tracking your daily step count to finding the closest burrito stand, having the ability to access the Internet from your wrist is blowing the doors off what was previously thought possible.
As businesses, we need to ensure that we not only remain in the know, but also begin implementing these new technologies into our customer’s experience.
The infographic "Wearable Tech: The Future of Accessorizing" discusses how technology is increasingly becoming a part of our personal attire and bodily functions, rather than just an external tool. It emphasizes the advancements in wearable technology, from fitness trackers to ingestible sensors, highlighting their features, benefits, and potential concerns.
Key Aspects:
Activity Trackers:
- Most bracelets, like LG Lifeband Touch and Sony Core, track steps, calories burned, and distance.
- Features include touch-scroll screens, music control, phone compatibility, and lifestyle monitoring.
Specific Products:
- Fitbit Force: Monitors sleep quality, stairs climbed, and provides call notifications.
- Sony Core: Logs music, jogging routes, places visited, photos taken, movies watched, and weather.
- Garmin Vivofit: Compatible with heart-rate sensors, displays idle time, and suggests goals based on habits.
Wearable Tech Beyond Wristbands:
- Lumo Lift: A posture-tracking device that clips to your shirt, measures steps, and sends posture improvement suggestions to your phone.
- Google Glass: Allows voice control, photo and video taking, notifications, messaging, and access to Google programs.
Ingestible and Implantable Tech:
- Collects internal body data with potential health benefits for chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes.
- Issues include privacy concerns, data protection, accuracy, and potential hacking risks.
Impact on Insurance:
- Access to internal body functions could influence insurance premiums and recognition of chronic health issues.
Advancements and Concerns:
- The tech is moving from outside to inside the body, with benefits in health monitoring and treatment.
- Challenges include ensuring privacy, accuracy, and security against potential hacking.
This infographic highlights the rapid evolution of technology as it becomes an integral part of daily life and personal health management. It underscores the growing trend of wearable technology in various forms and its potential impact on health monitoring, lifestyle management, and even insurance practices.