Video is Essential For Success

Statistics show video is an essential element of websites.
When internet first came on the scene, the websites that had the most content seemed to be the most legitimate. Things have changed drastically since that era. Online users now want an experience every time they visit a website. They don’t want to have to read or dig through hundreds of pages; they want your information to hit them in the forehead when they first enter the site. This is why so many users are now adding video content to their websites. If a picture can tell a thousand words how much more can a Video Spokesperson say?
So what are website owners doing about the changing online trends?In an October 2008 survey of U.S. online retailers by Knowledge Marketing, 43.3% responded saying they planned to increase the amount of video or streaming media available on their websites, making it the number one advanced site feature that online retailers plan to add to their sites in 2009. Take a look at all responses in the chart below.
Based on these statistics and trend predictions, it certainly seems that including video on your website is an essential component for success in the future. The online audience is already looking for online video content, not just for entertainment, but also for company and product news and information. Are you ready to meet that demand?