Spring Cleaning

The Internet is constantly changing. Every 60 seconds, 70 new domain names are registered and over 1,500 blog posts are updated. With all that information happening every single day it can be a challenge for your website to remain current. We all at one point have heard the phrase “content is king” and that couldn’t be more true today. When it comes to maintaining an online presence for your business, what should you be updating to get the best results? Here are a few areas to consider if you plan on keeping your website fresh and current.
Company Profile
Your company’s mission statement and vision will change with the growth and maturity of your business. For example you might expand and cover more areas of expertise than your original startup. Keeping your vision and mission statement updated allows for website visitors to see all your areas of expertise.
Put this with your company profile. It can allow people to easily see the development of your business from day one. You can track key events in your business such as moving to a new office or expanding into new areas of expertise.
Updating your gallery allows for your company to portray that it is living its mission statement every day. It allows an inside look into the corporate culture of your business. Showcase team building events and tradeshows giving people the opportunity to connect with your business.
Your blog is one of the best ways to build your business’s credibility. Blogs allow you the opportunity to share your experiences in your industry with your potential clients. Giving them the advice and expertise you have learned. They also are a great way to generate discussion with both potential clients and industry professionals.
Press Release
Don’t just distribute articles through email but make them a key part of your online presence by posting them to your website. This expands your viewers list beyond your newsletter group and provides website viewers with the most recent big updates in your business.
Team Members
With your company’s growth there are bound to be team additions and losses. Updating the team page consistently allows for people to properly contact team members with inquiries. Even after the bio has been posted adding slight updates down the road can give fans a reason to check out your website.
Although these are not usually large paragraphs full of information they give your business credibility beyond just your own words as the owner. By constantly updating this you show that your business is constantly striving to provide excellent service to your customers with great results.