Do I Need a Mobile Website?

Many online sources state that the current sales of Internet connected mobile devices have surpassed PC sales. When we hear this we begin to ask ourselves a few questions and the biggest one is: "Do I need a mobile site?"
1. Are you a local business or offer local sales?
According to Google 50% of all mobile searches are for local goods and services.
2. Do you like being on the cutting edge?
By the end of 2011, 50% of Americans will own a smartphone. Yet only 21% of Google's advertisers have a mobile optimized website!
3. Who is your target market/user?
Are they going to be viewing your site using a mobile device?
4. Are your visitors using phone books?
According the CDC, 25% of people are converting to a mobile phone only household. This means that more people are not using phonebooks, and are instead relying on mobile searches as their "yellow pages". Around 60% of local mobile searches immediately result in a call or a visit to the business.
5. Are you reaching your client where they search?
33% of Facebook postings are Mobile, so any links you post in Facebook should go to landing pages or websites that are also mobile ready.
6. Do you offer e-commerce?
It has been estimated that by 2015 shopping via mobile devices will reach an excess of $163 billion in sales worldwide, 12% of e-commerce turnover (ABI Research, 2010).
7. What does facebook think of mobile?
CEO said "Mobile is the primary focus for our platform this year."
8. What does Google think of mobile?
CEO, Eric Schmidt, told the Harvard Business Review, that 2011 initiatives are "all about mobile."
9. Are people searching for your company?
The question is not if they are searching but rather will you be found if they do? Millions of searches take place everyday.
10. Can you offer something?
Sites such as Groupon and Wagjag are doing well over $90 million a year to consumers who are looking for that special deal. These numbers are expect to rise to well over $6.53 billion by 2014. Can your business offer something that is unique?
Large scale companies have already started tapping into the mobile industry. If you were able to answer yes to any 3 of these questions, you are heading in the path towards the need of a mobile website. Contact us information on how we can setup your mobile website.