Billboard Fridges & Phones

Remember years ago when websites were the new tool that businesses were flocking to? If you didn’t have a website or a plan to get one, then you were heading on a lonely path. Websites now have become the one of the first pieces of marketing or branding that is required by businesses. You could say the website is the big brother to the business card in the world of necessities. Well it seems we are coming to the same place with apps. Apps are popping up all over the place, within our Phones, TVs, DVD, even some fridges have the ability to use apps. Well you’re probably thinking, just as people thought about websites, “what is so special about apps? How could this help my business?”
App’s demand mobility
Just like website did, apps are now expanding our reach. They allow us to be available not only 24/7, but also in many different areas. From our phones and point of sale terminals to TVs and cars. You name it and it will eventually have app capabilities.
Apps bring simplicity
Technology is great, but has often been looked at as complicated or difficult to grasp for some people. Over the last few years we have seen some amazing steps in simplifying our expertise. Apps have contributed greatly to this by introducing us to the whole ‘Touch” concept. Before checking your emails was a 3 step or more process. Now you just click on the Email app button and voila your email is available. For businesses your products could appear within one click on a button, no more having to open your Internet browser, then type in your website address and then click on your products tab. Your visitors could do it with one click.
Apps bring higher interaction
Apps allow us to interact more directly with our users. With apps we know the app is installed on a certain device and that device can have GPS information. We can also send specific messages right to the device. So if you are a retail store you could send users with a size 9 show a message saying, “we just received another batch of size 9 shoes, click here to place an order”
Apps bring branding
Thousands of apps are downloaded everyday. Even if you don’t have the best app in the world it’s still going to get traffic. Users have a certain respect for apps, usually when a person downloads an app they usually tend to keep it and won’t delete. So even if they don’t use your app, your icon or logo is constantly visible on the device, branding your company to the user. How much would you pay for a billboard that your consumers constantly look at?
Apps bring usability
Studies show that people spend 10% more time on apps then they do on websites. The amazing thing is that the users are not just young people; they are people of all ages. Many of the baby boomers have begun using new technology because of the simplicity that apps have established. Sure traditional websites may not have worked for your elderly consumers but apps have already started to change that. If you’re a business that caters to the elderly you may want to be thinking of apps.
If you have an idea for app that you’re interested in getting developed please contact us at or by phone at 905-933-4910 ext 222. A new world of opportunity awaits! Addicted to touch is a division of Symetric Productions.