7 Tips For Creating Emails That Actually Get Read

Times have changed and people are becoming busier by the minute. The quick delivery of email and electronic data has helped us be more productive, yet overloaded at the same time. This ultimate means that we don’t have the time to read every email especially the ones that don’t seem to capture our attention. So if this is our problem, how do we get our readers to actually read our emails?
Here are 7 tips for creating emails that actually get read.
1. Make it Real
We need to shed the extra words that tend to make us spam or sound fake. Don’t use words like: Limited time offer, Special, Solution, cutting edge or unique.
2. Make it Clean
Here are a few things to keep in mind so that your emails have a better chance of not being flagged as junk mail: Avoid using images in your signature; Ensure your reply address is the same as your sending address; Avoid having multiple links in your signature or email body.
3. Make it Simple
One thing I hate is having emails that are thousands of words long. No business person has time to read this, unless it’s from your lawyer! Get to the point and do it in less than 90 words or you will be deleted.
4. Make it Relevant
Before blasting off that email, take some time and do a little homework. Make sure what you are referring to will relate to the receiver. Take time to make sure you will be communicating with the correct person. Try and address areas that will relatable such as, challenges, improvements and benefits.
5. Make it Invaluable
You may not be the only company offering a specific product or service, but you can be the person who stands out from the crowd. Think of ways that can set you apart and create that sense of value in your reader. Creating value means that you become worth something to the reader and valuable emails don’t get deleted.
6. Make it Solid
The subject line is often the number one reason emails get deleted. Don’t use standard sales hype tactic. Use methods that will address a problem or question the person might be having like “Reducing Turnaround Times”.
7. Make it Multi-Touch
If you don’t get a response the first time don’t panic. Wait a period of time and send something else off to the reader. You may also want to try a phone call referring to the email. I have seen people link to articles or facts that backup what are presenting. Just remember to keep the other tips in practice whenever you send.