5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need Websites

Do small businesses need websites?
Often in the small business setting we are closely watching and protecting our budgets. Every dollar we earn is carefully weighed on how it should be spent. We don’t have the extra cash flow to make mistakes or invest in something that is second best. As we go through the checklist of our needs and wants we can stumble on the “cart before the horse" scenario. We are unsure of what we should do first or if we are to do it at all. One of these big questions is: “Do I need a website right now?” Here are five reasons why you need to have a website now.
1. “Online availability”
People are now using search engines to find products and services. The traditional way of the phone book has become obsolete. The only way your products and services can appear in the search engine is if they are posted on a website or some sort of online presence.
2. “They are looking for YOU online!”
In addition to searching for products and services, consumers are also using websites and online directories to get in contact with you. If they need a phone number, they won't look in the phonebook. Instead, they search for the company's website.
“When [a painter’s] customer had needed work done in their house, they went online looking for his phone number. But because the painter didn't have a website, his customer wasn't able to find his phone number and called his competitor instead.”
3.” Word of mouth”
We all know about the power of word of mouth advertising. The online community has taken this concept to a whole new level. 65% of Canadians are using social media (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn) more than once a day. The online community shares the details about their lives with friends and family, discussing everything from the deal they just got, to the best Sushi in town.
If you don’t have a website then you will never be able to capitalize on this free advertising.
4. “The personal touch”
One of the biggest strengths small business owners have is that “personal touch”. Large corporations can’t compete with the personal unique touch that a small business can provide. If we look at how the trend in shopping has shifted more each day to online sources, then we can see how important it is for a unique online presence. Ensuring we are offering that personal touch to our online viewers is must.
5. “Did you say ROI”
If I have a website how do I know that its will be a benefit to my business? How do I know that I have spent my money wisely? These are two of most common questions that I get asked. The answer is Reporting. If you don’t have a website right now you could actually be losing more money, then it would cost to create a one.
Traditional marketing doesn't really offer you any concrete reporting. You mail out pieces of literature and hope it would turn into something. You have no idea how many those mailed pieces make it to the hands of a consumers and how many go in the trash can. With a website you can tell how many visitors come to your website each day, how they find you, and what they browse or purchase. We can even tell you where they are located, down the street they live on. This type of knowledge gives the business owner HUGE insight to their clients' wants and needs.
A website is something that will invest in the future of your small business. The longer you put off having a website the smaller the return on your investment will be.
For more information on how we can help your business adapt to the changing times, and enhance; your online presence please contact us.
For more information on how we can help your business adapt to the changing times, and enhance; your online presence please contact us.