5 Great Apps For Business

The complexity and uniqueness of iPad & iPhone applications grow larger by the day. There are so many awesome apps that can help you stay connected, be more organized, reduce costs, provide education, push entertainment, or just simply make things easier.
Here are five great apps that can help you in everyday life and business. You can find a link to all of the apps mentioned below on our website at www.addictedtotouch.com in the review section.
Business Card Reader
We have all attended a networking event and ended up walking away with a pocket full of business cards. In most cases these are great contacts that we want to hold on to. The problem is; how do you manage them? You don’t want to have to sit and manually enter every card into your contact list. So usually the cards end up on your desk in a pile, in a business card portfolio or in the trash. This app solves that problem. You take a photo of the card and automatically enters all the data in to the contact list on your phone. It even saves a copy of the actual card in a digital format for future reference.
Team Viewer
Many of us don’t always work in a typical office setting. Often we find ourselves out of the office for meetings, appointments or presentations. There always seems to be that one time when you need that file you forgot back on the office computer. This program allows you to login to your computer using your iPad or iPhone and operate it as if you were sitting right in front of your office computer. No need to worry, just send the file to yourself or perform the task that was needed to be completed without having to return to the office.
White Board Capture
White boards are great and we have been using them for years. So after you have drawn your masterpiece plan on the white board, how do you save it for future reference? This little application allows you to take a photo of the whiteboard, removes any glare from your flash or lighting. Then allows you to save it or email it. Great for team presentations and follow up.
MINT Personal Finance
We all have a financial budget that we follow. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine how much money you have spent to date. Mint allows you to track, budget, and manage your money all in one place, so you can see where you’re spending and where you can save. Open an account, add your bank, credit, loan and retirement accounts and Mint will automatically pull in and categorize your transactions. It’s safe, secure and easy to keep your personal finances organized.
Brainstorming is something that every business does from time to time. Usually we end up jotting these items down on a napkin at restaurant, then months later trying to remember where that napkin was placed. Popplet allows you to create brainstorming charts or trees, which can be saved or exported as an image. Say goodbye to that coffee stained napkin.
If you have an idea for app that you’re interested in getting developed please contact us at hello@addictedtotouch.com or by phone at 905-933-4910 ext 222. A new world of opportunity awaits! Addicted to touch is a division of Symetric Productions.